Adjustable Regulated Power Supply 0-15V / 1A

Adjustable Regulated Power Supply 0-15V - 1A

This is the schematic diagram of adjustable power supply which the voltage output can be vary from 0V up to 15V with fixed current output maximum of 1A. The circuit is very simple and easy to build, finding the components is easy and inexpensive. The output voltage is stabilized and regulated in the range of 0V to +15 V, supplied with a maximum current of 1 A.

The potensiometer R2 is used to adjust the voltage output. The Q1 is an old type power transistor which commonly used to amplify an input, and this transistor needs to be on heatsinks, as it will be heat up when working continuously in the region of maximum current. The type of transformer is standard on the market.

Components List:

R1 = 56ohm 2Watt
R2 = 330ohm Linear potensiometer
C1 = 2200uF 35V
C2 = 100uF 35V
C3 = 10uF 25V
C4 = 220uF 25V
C5 = 100nF 100V
GR1 = 4 X 1N4007
Q1 = 2N3055
T1 = 220V@18V 1.5A
D1 = 18V 1.5W zener


  1. this power supply project very useful and basic for further development of other future inovative project so thanks for this website providers..

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