Voltage Converter from 1.5V to 3V

DC DC converter 1.5 To 3V schematic.A simple scheme to generate the inverter voltage from 1.5V to 3V can be made ​​on the basis of slightly modified the well-known multivibrator. Under these denominations in the scheme of the frequency converter is approximately 130 kHz. Inductance value can be calculated or chosen experimentally. But you can simply adjust the frequency of the converter to produce maximum output voltage. Schottky diode VD1 can be replaced by any other similar characteristics.

For further stabilization of the output voltage can be applied to the zener voltage of 3V – 3.3V. This scheme can be used to power a LED or low power devices based on the microcontroller, for example, MSP430.

Parts list :
R1,R3 : 1K
R2 : 2K2
C1 : 470pF
C2 : 100uF/3,3V
C3 : 1000uF
L1 : 470uH
VD1 : 15MQ040
VT1, VT2 : BC547


  1. persaman komponen D1: 1N914
    Persaman komponen Q1: 2N4403

    Persaman komponen IC: 161 (Micro Daya komparator .sekema nya kuarang jelas bos.saya mau nayak.dalam rankaian DC Converter DC dari 5volt -12volt (dibawah R2 ada gambar ___
    _ seperti ini,dan di atas R3 juga ada.pertanyanya apa guna rankaian tersebut???.tolong kirim ke e-mail ku bos (camaruddyn@ymail.com)/facebook.com/camaruddyn terimakasih bos…

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